Monday, November 1, 2010

Joseph Cornell Box Inspired Art Piece (Thumbnail Sketches)

Joseph Cornell Box Inspired Art Piece (Proposal #2)

Theme Two Topic

Nature and the animals within it.

What will you express through your art?

I will express the beauty of nature and show the details, intricacy, and depth of a certain animal in my piece.  I will express all the things we don't notice about an animal and all the minor pieces in my box.

How will you accomplish this in your piece?

I will accomplish this by creating a very detailed, zoomed-in picture of the particular animal in my piece.  I will clearly show all the crucial aspects I want to demonstrate in my artwork.  I will do so by using lighting to direct the viewer's eye to key places in my masterpiece.  I will try to darken the background and make the foreground seem out of focus so that the viewer wants to concentrate on the actual animal.

Resources Needed:

The resources I will need for my piece are pencil crayons, paint, construction paper, fishing wire, tape and newspaper.